The proposal is for 6 detached two storey 4 bedroom dwellings.
Given the site’s location alongside the Avenue the design strategy is to locate 2 houses which front this and have a clear relationship with Taverham Hall as they effectively form part of the approach to it; these are envisaged as ‘gatehouses’. We then propose a new access road away from the Drive, leading down towards the River, and to locate 4 houses off this which are envisaged as ‘boathouses’.
Plots 1 and 2 are proposed to be a ‘crisp’, contemporary interpretation of the hall. These are orientated to relate directly to the drive, either parallel, or perpendicular to it with the form broken up by introducing strong gable elements which respond and delicately relate to the form of the school. The intention is to specify red brick and slate.
In terms of materials for plots 3-6, it is important to ensure that there is a connection between all of the houses, and as such the proposal is to use similar materials: slate roof, with red brick to the (single storey) walls. Plus, in keeping with the notion of these houses as more akin to “boathouses”, timber boarding would be used on the walls of the 2 storey element: horizontal to the long sides, vertical to the gable ends.
The layout, scale, design, appearance and materials respect the wooded surroundings and the historic parkland setting. This will be a high quality scheme which minimises impact on the designated and non-designated heritage assets and the residential amenity of nearby houses.