Our ‘Livinbeachhut’ at the Ideal Home Show

Livinbeachhuts is a collaboration between Hudson Architects and MFA Property and focused initially on the public sector to deliver a one-stop design, advisory and delivery consultancy to identify and deliver potential new income streams for Councils from within their existing property holdings.

After over 30 years in the retail and leisure property market, MFA Property is now undertaking public sector consultancy work and recognises the immediate need for local authorities to create sustainable long term income from their property assets.  Working in collaboration with award winning Hudson Architects, the partnership have developed a new Concept called ‘livinbeachhuts’ as a means for Councils to secure an ‘off-the-peg’ design and delivery solution.

The iconic seaside beach hut is a strong design icon and is well loved by all who visit the seaside. The new ‘sleep-over’ beach huts provide all year round accommodation allow Councils to strengthen their local economies by creating a unique visitor attraction to draw-in customers from a wider geographic area, extend the typical summer season and create new commercial opportunities to support the development.

The new ‘sleep-over beach huts deliver premium levels of accommodation yards from the beach or seafront. Each hut delivers accommodation for 4 (6 with a pull-down settee) with a fully fitted bathroom, an elevated open plan kitchen lounge with wood burner and private decking and BBQ area. The mezzanine sleeping area allows occupants to wake up and enjoy spectacular sea views through the double height windows. The units are insulated and with back ground heating and an attractive log burner provide unique all year round premium accommodation.  Styling has a strong Scandi feel which complement the overall design of the huts. In addition, the multi-level units offers their design to be adapted to suit specific site conditions by adopting materials which are better able to overcome local conditions such as those areas within a flood risk zone.

Recognising that all Councils are keen to maximise its land and property assets, Livinbeachhuts can deliver a full design and appraisal consultancy and assist Councils in their procurement and delivery requirements.

What is the ‘Livinbeachhuts’ brand?

Livinbeachhuts is collaboration between MFA Property and Hudson Architects with over 60 years experience in the commercial property market. The two disciplines of retail and commercial property development, architecture and design fully complement each other and allow the partnership the ability to offer Councils a complete design and delivery solution.

MFA Property.

Mark Fitzsimmons BSc Hons MRICS is a Director of MFA Property and has been a Chartered Surveyor for over 30 years and has specialised in retail and leisure development all over the UK. He has worked for a range of large pension funds, commercial developers and retail and leisure operators. MFA is now a consultant to two Suffolk based Councils and is tasked with developing new and innovative forms of development to generate new income for the respective Councils and deliver wider economic benefits to boost tourism.


Livinbeachhuts now wish to ‘launch’ their striking and exemplar piece of coastal architecture to the public sector and start a dialogue to work with Councils to look at options to generate new income streams. The Livinbeachhut concept is a design which can be adapted to suit local conditions. Based on research undertaken on other schemes, Livinbeachhuts can work with Councils to deliver a range of services including viability appraisals to ensure that Councils can deliver long term sustainable income streams from their coastal assets. Whilst the prototype was designed for the coastal market, the partnership are now working on a new design more suited to ‘inland’ locations under-pinned by the same  business principles that is to offer Councils an opportunity to create new income opportunities from their existing assets.

For more information please contact harriet@hudsonarchitects.co.uk

Author / Hudson Architects

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