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Man of Stones’ Revisited

For only our second all staff get-together since the storm broke last March, we had a fascinating guided tour of the Sainsbury Centre sculpture trail at UEA, led by Head of Collections Calvin Winne

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Exploring Chimneys

Chimneys, a much more loaded subject that you might imagine A recent article by the Guardian got us thinking about chimneys, a much more loaded subject than you might imagine. Modern buildings nee

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A Closer Look: Bavent House

Bavent House, a new family home that responds to its spectacular saltmarsh location on the Suffolk coast. Exposed to the full blast of North Sea Winds, Bavent House turns an awkwardly oriented site

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Why aren’t we building more ‘lifetime homes’?

Research has shown that in the next 10 years, 70% of all new homes will still not have to meet any accessible housing standards. It’s time we made all new homes ‘lifetime’ homesR

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A Closer Look: Feeringbury Barn

A Grade II listed barn conversion built on principles of conservation, reuse and repair. The relationship between design and making is fundamental. Woven into this equation is ensuring we value our

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How Can We ‘Future-Proof’ New Homes?

The Covid pandemic has seen unprecedented numbers of us working or learning at home, but very few new homes are designed with this in mind. Larger, 4-bed houses often feature a ground floor ‘bonus

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COVID and the City

  One of Covid’s impacts has been to accelerate trends and changes already happening to where we live and work. The obvious one being the continuing move to online retail and shopping from

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Could you play a ‘Leading and Lasting Role’ in the provision of your next home?

The UK housing market is dominated by a small number of large PLC housebuilders, whose ‘product’ is remarkably similar – neo-vernacular houses designed and built speculatively for ‘typical’

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Brutalism and reusing buildings

Brutalism, as Edward Heathcote’s recent Financial Times paean to the movement reminds us, has been a much-maligned architectural approach whose appreciation is like marmite, love it or hate it.

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DESIGN MATTERS: City Deals:Will they Empower Our Towns and Cities?

This year Norwich became one of the latest participants in the City Deals programme resting back some tax-raising and spending powers for local democracy from one of the most centralised governments i

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DESIGN MATTERS: The Use of Our Buildings

The green light has just been given by the government allowing commercial and retail buildings to be converted into homes without planning permission. It is a draconian decision which, despite being o

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Two sides of the present housing crisis are nicely illustrated by what is happening in different parts of the UK. In London with an under supply of homes house prices and rents are high exacerbated by

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