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DESIGN MATTERS: The Nightmare of Winning Work in The Public Sector

When it comes to getting work in the public sector the UK inflicts smaller enterprises with a severe disadvantage in comparison with the juggernauts of big business. Not only is this unfair, it also u

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Housing Deregulation – Comment by Anthony Hudson

The Government’s deregulation mania has little to do with real economic recovery: it’s partly a panicked gut reaction, and partly about political philosophy despite the lack of evidence linking re

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NPPF Review

Now the dust has settled a little it’s worth having a quick review of how new planning legislation, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), appears now that it is in place. The notion that th

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David Cameron has just announced the possible creation of new “garden cities” as a further initiative to help meet the housing crisis. While welcoming this initiative since they have become popula

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DESIGN MATTERS: Do Enterprise Zones Work?

With strikes and a failing economy another echo of the 1980’s is back in vogue again, the Enterprise Zone. This is a further attempt to kick start a lack lustre economy with tax breaks and removal o

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DESIGN MATTERS: Will The New Planning Changes Make a Difference?

Hailed as the most radical change to planning in over sixty years, the Government’s national planning policy framework published this week has quickly both drawn fire and approval. The National Trus

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Forest Village: A Thought Experiment

We had a fantastic turnout for Matt Woods’ Forest Village illustrated talk in May. The event was met with immense enthusiasm and thoughtful contributions from our guests. Forest Village&#

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